Well, that is what an insufferably sick nine months of pregnancy and a newborn baby will do to you! Yes - being pregnant was amazing, wonderful, miraculous. But the everyday vomit-fest...not so much. I was quite unprepared for the intense Circ de Soleil that my body and hormones went through. They seem to leave that part out of the Hallmark section. I jest of course, because every nauseous minute was one thousand percent worth it. My daughter is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. That sounds cliche, but if you are a parent, then you know it's true. But it is also true that the whirling dervish that was my digestive system for those months made it almost impossible to focus. And in those few moments when I felt well, I had other important things to get to, like work, and Facebook. So alas the blog took a back seat.
And then, of course, with the arrival of my little Mouse, time really became precious. Everyone knows how much hands-on work a newborn requires! Plus I had to soak up every minute of Mommy and Me time, seeing that my maternity leave was temporary. And everyone knows what a new mother should be doing in the down time when their infant is sleeping: Internet shopping! So again, priorities being what they were and all, I didn't have much time to write.
But here we are four months later, and the Mouse is growing like a weed and settling into our life quite nicely. She is the happiest and most pleasant baby ever. She loves all the things we do - the outdoors, music, and watching hockey! You think I'm joking, but I have the pictures to prove it. She gets mesmerized by NHL games. I think it might have something to do with us always yelling about the Bruins while she was in utero. She also rarely cries and has even put herself on a perfect little schedule. That's right, every night, after dinner and a bath, she hits the sheets by 7:30pm. And she loves her crib! I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I seriously think either she is a really amazing baby, or I am quite the kick-ass first-time mom. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the former too. I can admit that my "mom" skills are still rough around the edges.
Here is a perfect story to illustrate how I know.
Last night, after finishing her dinner and taking her "tubby," the Mouse and I were sitting, rocking, and listening to music in her room. I looked her in the eyes and said, "Mousey, can you be a big girl tonight and sleep through the night? Mommy really needs a full night sleep." She responded by giving me her sly, little smile. Kind of like this:

I kissed her goodnight, and put her in her crib. This was at 7:15pm. I continued on with my evening with the husband, watching TV, playing with the dogs, and tidying up the house. Now, the Mouse usually gets up anywhere between midnight and 4am to eat, so I got into bed around 10pm, figuring I could get at least two to three consecutive hours before I had to feed her. 12am. I wake up - autopilot function I guess. But the house is quiet, no squeaks from the Mouse yet. 2am. I wake up. Still nothing. 4am. Damn it, I wake up again. Still nothing?! 5am. Silence. Ok, this time I get out of bed and rush to her room. Sleeping like an angel. What the heck? By the time I lay down again, the alarm goes off at 6am. Husband and Mouse arise all happy and well rested, while this fool resumes her intravenous coffee tradition! I couldn't believe it! I wasted a perfectly good chance at a full night's sleep! As I place the Mouse in her bouncy chair so I can drag my butt to the shower, she grins at me again. I swear - it is like she knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. She laughed at my request the night before, and she laughed at my failure in the morning. So it's like I said, Baby=Amazing, Mommy=Rookie.
Yeah, the nights are hard, the days are hard. And I am sure there will be a whole lot more challenges ahead. But check out these images. Um, yeah, this is really what it's all about.
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