Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Blah Day Blues

Today I woke up tired. Have you ever had a day like that? When your feet have yet to hit the floor, but you feel like you just ran a marathon? I don't particularly like days that begin like this. They just lead to what feels like an endless stream of tiring events and chores. Like today, for example. Can you believe that I had to get up early, work a full day, clean the house, and cook dinner. Hmmm....I guess these things are pretty standard. But that readers, is my point! While these things are typical on a regular day, today they felt unbearable. Like carry cement blocks across wet sand.

It started early, with something as simple as getting dressed. Part of my day that usually takes me ten minutes turned into a full-on ambivalence-fest! "No I don't want these pants! Where is my long sleeved black shirt? "I can't believe I can't find my favorite jeans." This continued on for twenty-five minutes, culminating in the often-used and ever-popular, "I have NO clothes!"

Once I finally got an outfit together (nothing spectacular, mind you, despite the aforementioned, intensive, soul-searching saga), I was out the door and heading to the car. Of course even that didn't go well. Not once, but TWICE, back up the stairs and into the house to retrieve forgotten items. Tack on the annoyingly long line at Dunkins for a burnt coffee (don't even get me started on Dunkin coffee...), and I am already half an hour late for work. Great start, don't you think?

Work-wise, I didn't have an unusually busy day. A consistent flow of work needed to be done, but nothing out of the ordinary. No staff emergencies to handle, no last minute requests from the superiors, no surprise extra projects. Ironically, my work day was probably the least tiresome part of my day. I got a lot of office work accomplished, had some laughs with my staff, and made some progress on a few long terms projects. All in all, a positive experience. I left feeling like maybe my day would pick up, and I could leave the morning behind.

No luck. Nothing bad happened after work, but nothing exciting did either. It was just....blah. I didn't have any errands to run, or any house projects to focus on. I didn't get to see my husband for long because he was on his way out to football. A fact that I should be used to, since he has coached for forever. I know the drill, but I still got a bit disheartened. You see, I am fortunate enough to love hanging out with my husband. If anyone could turn around my blah day, it would be him. But, his love for the pigskin called, and out the door he went.

I remembered that cooking always makes me feel better, so I thought maybe I could get an early start on prepping dinner. But that only took all of ten minutes, since I made something simple (We would have to eat so late, football remember?). So there I was. Bored with my options on TV, tired of looking at a computer screen, and not motivated enough to do my least favorite thing in the world, laundry. What was there to focus on? Where could I direct my attention? What could pep me up and turn this day around?

Then it happened. As I sat on my couch, I turned my head and saw this...

How could anything seem wrong when you are looking at that face? Right after I snapped this picture, Cooper jumped up, crawled into my lap, and kissed my face. Then we played with Lucy and all their many, many toys. After a while, they were all tuckered out and decided to go back to snuggling in their beds. I went back to my day and started cooking dinner. But something had shifted. My mood had changed. I was content, I was smiling, I was humming for God's sake! And while I still may have been a bit tired, suddenly it didn't seem quite so bad. Nothing makes me smile like my dogs. Man's best friend, that is all too true. Thank you Lucy and Cooper, for loving me unconditionally, always being there for me, and making me smile, even on those blah kind of days :)

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