Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to blog

I am not sure why I continue to keep this blog? I think I am ultimately missing the point of a blog: to routinely write short, quick, frequent blurbs. I think I was destined to be a different type of writer. Not this instant gratification, 21st century, technologically-assisted type. I am more old -school. You know, one that procrastinates and only actually writes one piece every couple of months, all the while lamenting about the struggles of being a misunderstood artist who is plagued by high-brow struggles like writers' block. That is the kind of writer I want to be.

Whatever. I'll just write when the mood strikes me. Despite the blogging convention. Who knows, maybe when I die, my ineptitude will become my legacy? Think about it. The fact that there will be only limited examples of my genius could give me clout. The few, small windows into my psyche could become cherished artifacts. Like anything else, if you over saturate the world with them, they lose their value, right? Yeah, that's me. The Basquiat of blogging. Well, give me some credit for trying at least!

So usually I get the urge to blog again when something aggravates me. I don't know why, but I tend to get loquacious when I have an opinion. *Insert the "no shit Sherlock!" comments here* So my topic du jour? The insane frequency of lame-ass political ads during election season. And my previous mention of over saturation could not be a better segway into this topic.

Good grief! I know that elections are important and voting is our right and obligation and all the other blah blah blah that you political enthusiasts love to spew at me. But why must you pollute my TV so? You can't even watch an episode of Jeopardy in the month of October without being inundated with annoying ad after ad. I wouldn't mind if the ads played a few times a week. But I literally counted, and that damn Charlie Baker ad played seven times within two hours of network programming!! I've seen it so much that I don't want to vote for him just because I am sick of looking at that stupid mole! Don't these campaigns have someone qualified in marketing techniques to know there is such a thing as OVERKILL?? If I have to watch that low-budget anti-Anne Kuster piece of crap one more time, I am going to scream! Way to get your money's worth on that cheesy sound effect! I wasn't going to say it, but soooo New Hampshire.

Not to mention the style and content of some of these ads. Are these people kidding me? Do they really think I am going to vote for them because they claim to "follow a different path" and "will make the necessary changes." Oh really hotshot? I just have one question for you all. One that you never seem to answer. HOW? These blowhards have no problem pointing out past indiscretions of their opponents, or highlighting the incumbents' failures. But they NEVER say how they are actually going to fix things or even how they will implement changes.

"Tim Cahill is one of us! And he will fix the unemployment problem." That's great Timmy.....but how? Do you have some secret solution? Like, say, 25,000 jobs in your back pocket? "Karen Polito will save the taxpayers money and stimulate the economy." Oh I see. Hundreds of politicians across the nation are struggling with these issues, but good ole' Karen has it in the bag! Vote for her, she's magic. And speaking of magic, don't even get me started about Christine O'Donnell and the witch allegations! Are Americans in general getting stupider, or are just more of them getting involved in politics?

In case I was too subtle, I think these ads are ridiculous! But they do achieve something. They make me realize that I don't want to vote for any of these fools. If a candidate wants my vote, they would make themselves known to me long before October. You know actually be active, involved, and visible in my state before crunch time! Come on - be honest, how many of you heard of Charlie Baker before this fall? And it would also be nice if they presented themselves in a manner that is more professional than a slather of cheesy thirty and sixty-second spots in between Access Hollywood. I'm telling you, these ads make me long for the days of the "Wazzup?" commercials. Now what does that tell you?

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