Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting back on track...

, so I know that I have totally abandoned this whole blog idea for the last three or so months. I feel lousy about it, but honestly I couldn't help it. I just wasn't in a creative place. Usually when I write these blogs I like them to have a comedic or sarcastic flair. You know, since I am by nature a wise-ass. But I haven't felt very witty or entertaining lately.

As most of you may now know, I suffered a miscarriage. Obviously this was not something I wanted to blog about, because, well, I thought it was tacky to divulge something so painful and personal for just anyone to read. But, alas, I was in a pickle. Against my better judgement, and that voice in my head that sounds like my mother, I had already told my "cyber friends" when I became pregnant. Funny how when it was good news it didn't seem inappropriate! (go ahead let the finger wagging begin). Right. Except on the flip side, I then had the oh-so-uncomfortable task of having to explain to the internet community at large that I was no longer pregnant. Trust me, my mistake for putting anything so personal online in the first place. Yeah, that's me. The kid who always has to learn things the hard way.

So there it is. The reason the last two and half months have sucked. The reason I have been too hung up to write a new blog. I am happy to say, I'm past it. Especially after this last hurdle.

So, back to more important topics. You know, like why you always end up one sock short after doing a load of laundry. It never fails. No matter how careful you are, one always disappears. Or, why some people don't change the toilet paper roll when there is clearly only one square left. One square, really? Who uses one square?

More on these little gems later.....


  1. I always use the last square! If you pull it off, then there are always a few squares folded underneath.

    Ok, I guess I can see now why Jackson calls me cheap :)

  2. Yea! So glad you are back to blogging...I've missed your insights to life's little "gems"....and by the way I am so with you on the TP it that hard to replace? I even got the kind you don't have to unhook, you just slip it right on. STILL no one but me replaces it.....arghhhhh! Oh well, there could be worse things!
