Sunday, May 16, 2010

From Here to Eternity

Today felt like the longest Sunday ever. Usually Sundays fly by. In large part because that dreaded Monday morning looms in the shadows. But today was refreshing. I accomplished everything on my list and had time to spare! What a concept!

For a good day, it actually started out a little shaky. There's nothing like waking up at 7:30am on a Sunday. Sun shining, birds chirping, and a frantic husband yelling that we're late for work! "Honey get up - we're late! Why didn't you make me set the alarm?" Once I assured him that it was Sunday and that it was too early to be up on our day off (as well as reminding him that even if it wasn't Sunday, it wasn't MY job to tell him to set his alarm), we laid back down. Only to be jolted up once again. This time by the most heinous grating sound echoing up through our bedroom windows. What the hell could that be on a Sunday morning, you ask? Oh right! My neighbor (no names shall be named, but here is a hint - we're related!) was filling the cracks in his driveway with cement and using a shovel to skim the excess. "Pat pat pat, scrape, scrape, scraaaaappppeee....." Doesn't everyone do that on a Sunday morning? Brush your teeth, read the paper, go to church, cement the driveway??? Hmmmm....

So since we were up early, Ken and I cleaned the house. All of his earlier transgressions were forgiven once I saw the bang up job he did of dusting and polishing the furniture. Once we finished cleaning and did a few loads of laundry, we checked the clock. 11 am!!! What!! Were the hands actually moving? We agreed on the obvious scientific explanation. Apparently time had stood still, so we were going to take advantage of it. There were a few household items we had been meaning to pick up, as well as some last minute needs for our upcoming vacation. We got dressed and headed out to do some shopping.

Now, I know that I rag on my husband some times when I try to be funny, but he really is one of a kind. I am the luckiest wife, because....the man loves to shop. And I am not talking about lame things, like tools or electronics. I am talking full-on clothes and home goods bargain hunting. He is the best shopping partner I have ever had. It's priceless. So like I said, we needed a random assortment of things -a suitcase for Ken, new sunglasses, a dish rack, and skewers for the grill. Usually finding this specific of a list could pose quite the time consuming process. But not on Perpetual Sunday! We found ALL of these things in one store (Marshalls is usually hit or miss, well today was definitely a HIT). It took all of 45 minutes....with 15 minutes dedicated solely to modeling sunglasses for each other, of course.

After completing all our necessary errands,we still had time to do lunch at Panera AND I got a manicure and pedicure while Ken picked out some new shirts at the mall. At this point most people would call it a day. But not on Super Sunday! Ken followed up with a 2 hour baseball practice and I took the dogs for a walk around the city. We ended the night with a sushi dinner and a movie.

When I woke up this morning, it felt like today was going to be the worst day. But clearly we traveled through the space time continuum or something, and were rewarded with an absolutely fulfilling day! I am so thankful. Especially since I just remembered that tomorrow is Monday. Crap. I hope Ken forgets to set the alarm.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting back on track...

, so I know that I have totally abandoned this whole blog idea for the last three or so months. I feel lousy about it, but honestly I couldn't help it. I just wasn't in a creative place. Usually when I write these blogs I like them to have a comedic or sarcastic flair. You know, since I am by nature a wise-ass. But I haven't felt very witty or entertaining lately.

As most of you may now know, I suffered a miscarriage. Obviously this was not something I wanted to blog about, because, well, I thought it was tacky to divulge something so painful and personal for just anyone to read. But, alas, I was in a pickle. Against my better judgement, and that voice in my head that sounds like my mother, I had already told my "cyber friends" when I became pregnant. Funny how when it was good news it didn't seem inappropriate! (go ahead let the finger wagging begin). Right. Except on the flip side, I then had the oh-so-uncomfortable task of having to explain to the internet community at large that I was no longer pregnant. Trust me, my mistake for putting anything so personal online in the first place. Yeah, that's me. The kid who always has to learn things the hard way.

So there it is. The reason the last two and half months have sucked. The reason I have been too hung up to write a new blog. I am happy to say, I'm past it. Especially after this last hurdle.

So, back to more important topics. You know, like why you always end up one sock short after doing a load of laundry. It never fails. No matter how careful you are, one always disappears. Or, why some people don't change the toilet paper roll when there is clearly only one square left. One square, really? Who uses one square?

More on these little gems later.....