Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Head Games

Oh, I have done it again. I had promised not to lag between blogs posts, and what have I gone and done? Smashed that promise into a thousand little bits! I really have no excuse. I could try and explain how busy at work I am, or how much time the house renovations are taking. But to be honest, I really just can't bear to look at the computer lately. I am on it almost all day in work, and when I come home I just want to have dinner with my husband and then sit and read a nice book. No screens allowed.

Ok - all of that was a lie. I just thought is sounded better than the actual reason I have lapsed on my blogging: Super Mario Brothers for Wii. I kid you not. I am a grown woman, about to turn 30 (GASP!) and I can not stop playing this damned video game. It is like crack, except you keep all of your teeth.

I apologize for lying to you, but that is a sign of addiction isn't it? Seriously people, I may need an intervention. Call up A&E - get me on that show. I try to just play a game or two, but it always turns into this obsessive marathon. I find myself getting tired and bleary eyed, and yet still I push on. Jumping, sliding, fire-balling my way into a video game coma, "I just need to beat one more Castle!"

Oh, those Nintendo people. They have been screwing with me since I was six years old. That's right - you know, the original Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt. Followed by years of Super Mario Brothers, Nintendo 64, all the way right up to Mario Kart and The New Super Mario Brothers for Wii. It's a god damned dynasty I tell ya! It gets into your head somehow. And you JUST CAN'T STOP.

At first, my husband thought I was crazy. "Oh aren't you cute with your silly little video game!" His patronization was short lived, however, once he picked up that Wii remote. He was watching me fail over and over again at a certain portion of Level 5 (that damned monster fish!), when he grabbed the remote from my hand and condescendingly stated, "Let me show you, so we can turn it off already!" And that my friends, was all it took.

Later that night I awoke from a deep slumber to the sounds of jingling coins and that annoying "hop, hop!" song coming from my living room. There he was, in the pale blue glow of the TV, eyes pasted open, fingers blistered, trying to beat Level 1. Crack I tell you, crack.

So now we are both in a shame spiral of addiction. Blowing off dinners, ignoring phone calls, and sadly, abstaining from the mountain of laundry, all in the name of saving Princess Peach.

Our house is dusty, our refrigerator is empty, and our thumbs are ravaged. This witch better be worth it!

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